Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Why are we surprised when God answers our prayers?

If you want to laugh and at the same time be inspired to pray, you must read Acts 12:1-19. I don't want to spoil the story for you so I ask you to pick up your bible and begin reading this portion of scripture right now. Once your done, ponder the following questions as you read the rest of this blog.

1. Why does God allow his people to sometimes experience bondage?

2. What should a caring Church do about people in bondage? v.5

3. What do angels have to do with God's plans?

4. Is it possible that God is working out a miracle for you or your loved one and you or they are not recognizing it?

5. Does it sometimes take supernatural experiences to remove our doubts? v.11

6. Could it be possible that God's answers are right in front of us and we leave them at the front door? v.14

7. Could it be that God is going to answer our prayers for our kids quicker than we might normally be conditioned to think?

Well, if you have read the text and answered the questions above you would have to conclude that prayer is powerful and that people who gather together in earnest faith will see results.

With this in mind, I called a prayer meeting into our home last night and invited families at BG with concerns for their children to join Denise and I for prayer. Our house was full of friends and family who took us up our our invitation to pray.

Why pray for our families you might ask? Well for starters, God's family is made up from the families of men, and the evil one hates God's family. A simple perusing of the Old Testament sheds much light on the fact the God's chosen people were always the focus of Satanic attack disguised in a battle of flesh and blood. Of course, we know that our battle is not against flesh and blood but, Satan's aim is very much one that involves the flesh and blood of our loved ones. He would love to ruin our kids and would not stop at destroying them if possible.

Second, as the adage goes, as goes the family, so goes the Church. You see, when Satan wins battles within families of the Church, he can create instability among the Church itself.
Third, as parents, we can't save our kids no matter how good our parenting skills are. We need divine assistance to secure the spiritual welfare of our kids. And fourth and finally, our kids represent the next generation of servants in the Church, we must battle for their souls or they won't be able to battle for the souls of their generation.

My blog friends, we prayed hard last night with tears and moans too deep for words. And what I know is that God has heard our prayers and his answers are already on their way. We need not be surprised and respond like Peter's brothers and sister who said, "you're out of your mind,"
to the girl who reported to them that God had answered their prayers. Actually it would make more sense to say, of course Peter is standing at our door. We asked our Father who is able to do more than we could even ask or think!

My friends, before I closed my eyes and went to sleep last night I received a text message from a child of one of our parents suggesting that God is working in them to live right and make better decisions. Praise his faithful name!

In conclusion, lets pray hard (Fast, weep, and wail if necessary), expect answers, and look for such answers to show up on our front porches! But wait, what shall we pray for, you ask?

1. Prayer that God delivers your kids from evil bondages
2. Pray that God helps you love your children unconditionally. 1Cor.13:8
3. Pray that your Children guard their hearts from worldly lust. Prov.4:23
4. Pray that God gives your children supreme wisdom. Prov.4:7

Hey, can you hear someone knocking on your door? Open the door and let Him in?

One day soon, I will blog in more detail about the people and prayers that God answered, they are soon to arrive.

The Evolution of our Worship Team

Like everything else about this Church plant our Worship Team building has been evolutionary and we have depended on God to provide. We started it with a former student from my youth ministry days named David Kerns. David was the prefect guy for me, his raw heart for God and his amazing giftedness on the strings made him a good fit. After all, Boundless Grace was made up of people who desired nothing more than a experience of reality in the area of worship, no gimmickry or pretense would work with us.

Well, over the past year or so God has been faithful to give and take away as he has seen fit. To mention those God has blessed us with thus far: a keyboard player from Chicago (Bob), a high school student on rhythm guitar from Pinole (Mikey), drummers or drum machinist in Brian and Chris, a lead guitarist from Vallejo (John Dywer), a lead vocalist and guitarist from Vacaville in John Canton, and our latest addition, Heather Petree, a master on the keys from Hiddenbrooke. Of course, God has also provided us with many backup vocalist in: Gretchen, Tosha, Karlie, Rich, Samantha, & Aviva.

While I must admit, this area of Church planting has been one of the most challenging, God has been faithful and we are growing in grace in this area as well. The music continues to evolve for God's glory and the team continues to learn how to harmonize relationally.

There is probably nothing the devil hates more in the Church than those who are dedicated to inviting people into God's presence in worship, so please pray right now for our team!

Easter at Boundless Grace

I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it!
Our second Easter together as a Church was a blast! We filled our building with people and the Spirit filled us! Those with is on Easter morning will never forget the fire alarm that went off in the middle of our worship gathering. A little baby named Noah decided the ark needed to be emptied so he pulled the fire alarm and the sirens sounded and sheep headed for the parking lot.
Boundless Grace is now in the early months of its second year together and the tide is coming in! We are growing and God is working. Who is coming? Well, the best and most honest answer is people hungering for grace they can feel and believe in. You see, life has its way of beating down hard on the human soul and the end game is guilt and condemnation. However, as Paul said in Romans 8, condemnation ought play no role in those who are in Christ Jesus. At Boundless we are benefactors of the beautiful and bountiful grace of God and He is growing us in and through his grace to be dispensers of it! So if you are ever in need of some grace from God that flows through his people stop by and let us pour it out on you.