Monday, September 28, 2009

Dealing with our Doubts

I love the line from the book Reaching for the Invisible God by Philip Yancey,

Doubt is the skeleton in the closet of faith, and I know of know better way to treat a skeleton than to bring it into the open and expose it for what it is: not something to hide or fear but a hard structure on which living tissue may grow.

My blogger friends, as followers of Jesus we are called to pray in faith, but, at times we must admit that our prayers are more prayers of hope and not prayers of faith because of our doubts. What are we to do then? How about we call our doubts out into the open where we can hang God's truths on their bony structures.

God's word tells us to cast our cares on Him for He cares for us! Casting our cares on God is to throw our concerns on God's strong shoulders, for He can and will shoulder our troubles.

Therefore do some casting today and don't reel your concerns back in. Cast your cares on Him and then cut the line.

1 comment:

  1. Your comments made me cry as I read them as I am not praying in faith. I am begging God to save my children.. Seems that is all I ever talk to Him about. Everday Lord Save my Children, Save my Children.. Seems if I could trust him with that I could move forward and pray for others or other things..There now I have exposed it :O)and I am still crying.
