Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Faith in Troubled Times

I am preaching through the book of James in a series I call, Shoe Leather Theology. I must admit, James is challenging all of us at Boundless Grace in this series.

After all, James commands believers to view trials and troubles with an attitude of joy!

Are you kidding me, I hate trials don't you?

Well, readers, James wants us to know that trials are designed to grow us not destroy us. Therefore we must process them with a positive attitude. James line of thinking goes this way; God is the Father of lights who blesses us with only good things not bad. Therefore, when what appears to be a bad thing shows up on our plate we must know that God is not the source of the mess. (Although most likely He is the solution).

Friends, most of the time we dish up our own messes in life and our plates are full of hardship we have brought upon ourselves. However, I believe that many of the biggest trials in our lives are sourced in evil. Satan is working his plan to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10).

Whatever the source of our trial though, James would have us be warned that on the heels of a trial will be a temptation to see God as the problem and not the solution. After all, God could stop our trials if he really wanted to, could he not?

You see, once we blame God for our test and trials we begin to doubt his love for us and stop relying on Him for deliverance.

If you're in a trial right now let me remind you of a biblical truth, yes God can and will intervene on your behalf. After all the Bible teaches us that both Jesus and the Holy Spirit will be praying us through our trials(Romans8:26-34). So be certain that your Father in heaven is hearing their prayers and will come to your aid in due time and in accordance with His plan for your life!

At this point, I am reminded of Jesus and his discussion with Peter about Satan's request to sift him like wheat. Jesus did allow Peter to be sifted (tried)but not without a promise of divine prayer to help him through his ordeal(Luke 22:31).

Brothers and sister, when being tested, refuse to allow yourself to be deceived into thinking that God can't be trusted, He can. Yes, trials are painful and they test our faith at the deepest levels but only to makes us stronger and grow us up in our faith.

What do we do when strong trials strike our lives?
Let me tell you what James recommends. Grab hold of the promises of God that have been implanted in you. It was God's Word that produced saving faith at the beginning of your spiritual journey(Romans 10:17) and it's this same word that will save you now in your present need for rescue. This is what Theologians call, present tense salvation. My friends, God's promises are essential to navigating our trials and we must accept them and work them out in our daily lives. One such promise that comes to mind now is:

And we know that in All things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purposes (Romans 8:28).

Right Now, read the above stated promise out loud and claim it as God's word to you!

Let me wrap up this blog with a quote I have written,

God's Word provides the truth we need to remain hopeful, God's Grace provides the strength we need to remain faithful, God's Spirit provides the help me need to remain peaceful, and God's people provide the encouragement we need to remain stable.

Blogger friends, lets trust in the heart of God today!

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