Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Big Rocks Must Go in First

Recently while preaching on the importance of evaluating how we use our time, I asked the congregation to raise their hands if they had goals for the coming year. To my delight, the majority of the people raised their hands. However, when I asked the follow up question, how many have their goals written down, 90% of the folks put their hands down. To be honest, I expected such a response because people are filled with good intensions but most fail to take their goals serious enough to write them out and carve out time to make them happen. We all want to lose weight, save more money, spend more time with our kids, etc…. But, will good intensions enough to realize our desires? I would suggest they are not.

Moses prayed in Psalms 90:12, Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom. This prayer was uttered on the heels of his comment; the length of our days is seventy years – or eighty, if we have the strength.

You see, life is brief and will quickly pass. Therefore we must make good use of our time. While there is some value to having a spark of spontaneity in life, unless we take charge of our schedules we will discover that our year will come and go with very little progress or productivity in the areas that really matter.

My blogger friends, the following story is worth the read as a starting place to help us gain a heart of wisdom:

A time management expert was teaching a seminar for executives. He placed a large, clear open-mouthed jar in front of the group. Next, he put seven or eight large rocks into the jar until it was full. “Is the jar full?” He asked. Everyone nodded. Then he took pebbles and filled up the jar with the small rocks until they reached the rim. “Is the jar full?” By now, they didn’t answer. So, he poured fine sand in. “Is the jar full?” Some nodded. He proceeded to take a pitcher of water and filled up the jar again. “What’s the lesson about time management?” he asked. Hands shot up, and everyone agreed “No matter how busy you are you can always fit more things into your schedule.” “Wrong.” he replied. “The lesson is: unless you put the big rocks in first, they never will fit in. You must figure out what the big rocks are for you.” What are the big rocks in your life?

As 2011 passes through the hour glass of time I hope you have placed your “big rocks” in your calendar and that these priorities are governing your routine. After all, life is a vapor that is here today and gone tomorrow.

In this context, I would like to suggest four big rocks that must make it into our schedules:

Rock Number One-You: That’s right, unless you take care of yourself you will be of little value to others. But what, may you ask, does it mean to take care of yourself? Well, I think that we all need exercise, proper diet, mental stimulation(read), recreation(play), & meditation (pray). And while it is true that all the above require determination and discipline, I believe you are capable. So, get started today! Begin with some baby steps in each area. You will be surprised at how much improvement you will experience in a week if you will but get started.

Do you love life? Then don’t squander time, for it’s the stuff that life is made of. Benjamin Franklin.

Rock Number Two-Your Family: One of the greatest of blessings in life is family, and yet, we can neglect our own families by default. We all live in such a busy world, filled with demands and allurements that can rob us of time or emotional energy to bless those we love. In this context, I beg of you to get your family and even extended family into your weekly and monthly schedules. A family movie night, a dinner date with your wife, a game night with your children’s aunts & uncles, etc….. I promise you that this investment of time will be one of your best ways to number your days afresh!

Rock Number Three-Your Church: Of course, you reading a blog written by a biased Pastor. But, I would suggest that the scriptures lend ample proof that God’s children were brought into His family to serve, fellowship, give, and worship together. Can I ask you a few honest questions? How many Sundays do you skip out on Church each year? How many times have you served the people in your church in the past year? How much money does God kingdom receive from you each year? How many people have you entertained this past year for the purpose of blessing? My friends, the rock of fellowshipping with God’s people is a wise investment of your time.

Rock Number Four- Your Neighbors: As Christ followers we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves. I know far too many Christians who spend all of their time with other Christians or working in their communities for positive change but have no impact on those living right next door or working in the cubicle next to them. Could it be that we have forgotten that, going into the world to make disciples is a top priority with God (a big rock)? My friends, get your calendar out and schedule in a barbecue, dessert night, or a wine and cheese night and invite some of your neighbors over to your house, after all, outreach is best accomplished through acts of kindness motivated by love.

Well, lest I run the risk of running on a bit in this blog I had better stop. However, let me leave you with a few simple words of encouragement. First, remember that failure is not fatal. In pursuit of your goals don’t give up just because you fail along the way. Failure does not have to be fatal or final. Second, ask the Lord to help you-(commit your plans to the Lord) He will help you if you invite him into your routine. And finally, if you are serious refuse procrastinate, start today. Get out a pencil, a note pad, and a calendar and start planning. You must remember that Someday is not a day of the week!

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