Tuesday, March 31, 2015


There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home.

Do you recognize these classic lines? Sure you do, Dorothy's waking words after her long journey back from the land of Oz. You remember the scene don't you? Scarecrow, Cowardly Lion, and the Tin Man all standing anxiously next to her farmhouse bed awaiting her return to the land of the living. Of course, the characters around her bed are her family members out of character.

Well my friends, like Dorothy, we are all traveling through this world to the Emerald City (Heaven) and our journey is not an easy one. The Wicked Witch of the West (Satan) is always seducing us to distrust our Father, the scary flying monkeys (demonic spirits) always trying to stir up fear in our hearts, and the many trials and tribulations along life's journey have a way of discouraging and distracting us from our blessed hope in Christ.

Never the less, like Dorothy, our journey helps us to appreciate our family and home all the more. For even Kansas looks good after traveling the difficult road to the Emerald City.

Brothers and sisters, for me, each Sunday morning at Boundless Grace is liking waking up after a long journey through the land of Oz. The familiar faces of God's beloved people color the pages of my life in hues of joy, love, and grace. Like Dorothy, when Sunday rolls around I can say with sincerity, there is no place like home!

I read recently that in our modern world people are opting out of traditional church more and more and connecting with the family of God via the many technologies out there; podcasts, social media, blogs,YouTube........Okay. I too enjoy and take advantage of technology in my spiritual journey but to opt out of fellowshipping with the family...not a chance! Nothing beats good old fashion fellowship with the family of God.

You know what I mean don't you? Meeting up with brothers and sister on a regular basis for "family time." You know! God's Imperfect, but Beloved, meeting together and rubbing the love of God off on one another: handshakes and hugs, happy smiles, holy kisses , laughter, tender prayers, etc... There is no place like home!

Perhaps it's been a while since you have been home. Can I encourage you to make it your goal this Sunday morning to go Home and allow the family of God to love on you and vise versa?!

If you have no place to call home come, please don't hesitate to visit Boundless Grace. We are a people who love each other for who we are and not for who we think we're supposed to be. We are a family all striving to live out the "one another's" as commanded in scripture: greeting one another, loving one another, accepting one another, praying for one another, encouraging one another, confessing our faults one to another, supporting one another and even singing one to another! Yes, we are a family. No, not a perfect family, but an authentic family who finds even Kansas (Vallejo) a great place to meet up for family time!

In closing, I hope you will never forget that "there is no place like home!" and home for the believer in this life is at the meeting place of the saints, the church.

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